Free: Craft Your Custom 30-Second Introduction for your
Pickleball Business
Enroll in our free mini course to receive access to our proprietary “Pickleball Introduction Generator™” for 30 days. You can create as many versions as you want during your access.

Take Charge of Your Future!
We have solutions to address your current business challenges,
whether you're a start-up business or existing business in the pickleball industry.

Keeping the ball in play...
Since launching her business in the early 90's, Jennifer L. Corbin, Master Certified Coach:
has offered professional coaching services to small start-up business owners to well-established corporate business leaders in large multi-national organizations
developed, produced and facilitated year-long training programs (leadership, business, personal and professional development materials and content) for tens of thousands of participants in 50+ countries
developed, produced and facilitated 4-day leadership development programs and 6-day comprehensive coach training programs around the globe primarily filled by word-of-mouth referrals
facilitating virtual and face-to-face retreats and getaways for VIP coaching clients
marketed, sold and fulfilled multi-million dollar coaching services packages to Fortune 50 organizations while sourcing high-quality coaching services providers

"I knew I'd learn how to be a professional coach. Didn't realize I'd learn how to be a better partner, wife, mother and friend."

"Came into Day 1 of 6 skeptical. On Day 6, wanted a Day 7. This was the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Wow! I never thought I'd say this $8,000 was the best investment in myself I've ever made!"

"It's like collaborating with a business partner - but I get to keep all the profits!"

"It's strange. Cuts straight to the truth making you feel exposed and vulnerable, says things in a way that makes you profusely thank her."

"Really love this philosophy: just because we're working on (extremely) tough things, doesn't have to feel so heavy!"
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"Paddle Up for Pickleball Profitability"
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Do you want to Discover Your Personal Marketing & Selling Style?
If you're like a lot of other entrepreneurs, then you know how tough it is start or grow a business while wearing multiple hats, managing competing priorities and making leveraged decisions in the sea of seemingly never-ending options and opportunities...
If you're looking for another way to work smarter not harder, take our free quiz to determine how you can best leverage your skills, preferences and interests to consistently get your offerings in front of more potential buyers.